Pylypei L.P.,Gytsol E.M.,Diachenko S.V.
The article addresses the scientific and practical substantiation of integrating modern models of innovative technologies for the training of track and field athletes. It examines the current state and existing contradictions in the training methods of members of the Ukrainian national team.
The study conducts a theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, as well as information from the Internet. Additionally, a survey of 43 track and field athletes from the full-time national team of Ukraine is carried out.
The survey helps to clarify the problem area within the system of training track and field athletes.
The effectiveness of using technologies and training models is tested through a natural pedagogical experiment, employing methods of mathematical statistics and multiple correlation methods.
A correlation is established between sports performance levels (as per the IAAF points table) and the use of innovative technologies. Notably, recovery technologies (0.859), stretching (0.789), and the use of dietary supplements (0.794) show high correlation levels with sports results.
The improvement in results in the main group is more significant compared to the control group, indicating that the integration of innovative training technologies positively impacts the performance of elite athletes in athletics. The observation after the experiment confirms the hypothesis of the positive impact of innovative technologies on training.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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