Рrofessional-pedagogical competence of future officers – subject matter experts in physical education and sports for military personnel


Yahupov Vasyl


The content of the definition of the concept “professional-pedagogical competence of future officers – specialists in physical education and sports for military personnel” is substantiated in accordance with the leading ideas of systemic, competence-based, subject-activity, and contextual methodological approaches to the professional training of future officers – subject matter experts in physical education and sports for military personnel serving in the state’s security and defence sector. It is defined as their professionally important psychological formation, representing the result of theoretical and practical military-professional and pedagogical (specialized) training as officers at the tactical level of command, intellectual, active, and subjective capability, and professional, personal, psychological readiness for military-professional activities both as military command subjects and as educators – subject matter experts in physical education and sports for military personnel in the state’s security and defence sector. The system-forming components of this competence are the value and motivational and subjective components, while the variable components include all other components accordingly. The core component, which determines the content and specificity of the interaction and the actualization of all other components, is the value and motivational component. The components of professional-pedagogical competence of future officers are identified as the following ones: value and motivational, cognitive, military and professional, specialized or pedagogical, individual and psychological, and subjective. The specificity of this structure lies in the fact that it encompasses two specialties: the first as officers at the tactical command level or as military professionals, and the second as educators in the field of physical education and sports for military personnel.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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