Management of the „Holistic Health and Fitness” System of the US Army the Conditions of Decreasing the Physical Condition of the Combat Reserves: Experience of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Anokhin Ye. D.,Romanchuk S.V.,Petruk A. P.


The article analyzes the structure and management mechanism of the „Holistic Health and Fitness” system of the US Army. It was determined that changes are taking place in the system of physical training depending on the conditions of conducting modern military operations, taking into account the level of physical fitness of the combat reserve and the latest technologies of physical improvement of a person. It was established that the responsibility for the effectiveness of the functioning of the system at the level of the army rests with the Secretary of the Army (Minister of the Army), in military formations (brigades) with their commanders. Specialists in the physical training and health of military personnel in the management of the process of their physical improvement are assigned consultative, advisory, and informational and analytical functions. It was also established that the main function of managing the physical training of personnel is policy - the direction of activity of managers, which regulates the line of behavior of subordinate servicemen regarding their own physical improvement, thanks to the creation of appropriate psychological-pedagogical and organizational-administrative conditions for the process of physical training. It is proposed to use the management elements of the "Integral health and physical activity" system of the US Army, which determined its effectiveness, in reforming the physical training management system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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