Dynamics of indicators of the functional state of the body and cytomorphological changes in wrestlers during the performance at the championship of Ukraine in belt wrestling «Alysh»


Musiyenko Olena,Semeniv Bogdan,Yakymyshyn Ihor,Hodyk Natalia,Popovych Sviatoslav,Maksymiak Yaroslava


The issue of the functional state of the body of wrestlers in «Alysh» belts wrestling is poorly studied. There are isolated research data on the improvement of the functional state of the body of wrestlers as a result of training. Studying the issues of the functional state of the body of wrestlers of various types of wrestling is extremely important, as it determines the athlete's success during competitions and the growth of skill during many years of sports training. The purpose of this work was to determine the physiological features of the response of the body of «Alysh» wrestlers during the Championship of Ukraine on June 25, 2023. As a result of research, we established that in the pre-start period, the indicators of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system of all examined wrestlers correspond to the physiological state of pre-start readiness of the athletes' body with a predominance of sympathetic vegetative influences. The functional indicators of wrestlers and women wrestlers after the termination of the performance at the Championship of Ukraine in wrestling on belts «Alysh» differ depending on the number of matches they have held and the intensity of physical exertion. The following changes in the state of the cells of the buccal epithelium occurred in male athletes: the phenomena of karyorrhexis, karyolysis, and cytolysis are observed, which may indicate a significant stress reaction of the body to competitive loads, the presence of dehydration phenomena, and the development of fatigue. Those wrestlers who have had many fights have a large number of binucleated cells, coccal flora and leukocytes in the scrapings of the buccal epithelium. This may indicate, in addition to the general adaptation syndrome, the progression of fatigue and dehydration in the body. In women, the changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the cytomorphological indicators of the buccal epithelium are more smoothed out due to the fact that the women in the competition had only one match each. Therefore, it is advisable to continue the study of the functioning of the body of «Alysh» wrestlers due to the great popularity of this type of wrestling and the small amount of scientific information about it.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University








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