Results of research work on forming the readiness of future bachelors of physical culture and sports to provide pre-medical care


Maramukha Natalia


The article is devoted to the problem of forming the readiness of future bachelor’s of physical culture and sports to provide pre-medical care in the conditions of the educational process of a higher education institution. Readiness to provide pre-medical care is presented as a professional quality that ensures the compliance of future bachelor’s of physical culture and sports with the requirements of professional activity in situations of injuries and emergencies in athletes and consumers of physical culture and sports services. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, it has been proven that the issue of preparing future bachelor’s of physical culture and sports to provide pre-medical care is insufficiently developed. On this basis, a conclusion was made about the expediency of conducting a scientific study aimed at checking the effectiveness of innovative approaches and means of teaching students of the specialty 017 "Physical culture and sports" actions in situations of injuries and emergencies in the course of professional activity. The research work on checking the effectiveness of innovative methodological developments in training students to provide pre-medical assistance in professional activities is described. In particular, this characteristic is: dependent and independent variables; experimental and control samples; research design; methods of data collection, including a knowledge test, situational tasks, simulation tasks for providing pre-medical assistance in typical situations of sports activities). The results of research work in experimental and control institutions of higher education are highlighted. Cross-tabulation of data and histograms of their distribution, results of data comparison according to the Mann- Whitney test are presented. On the basis of the interpretation of the results of the research work, a conclusion was formulated about the effectiveness of the author's methodical studies in the context of the formation of the readiness of future bachelors of physical culture and sports to provide pre-medical care.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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