Development of athletes’ motor skills in rhythmic gymnastics at the stage of initial training and preliminary basic training


Smyrnova Olha,Gamaliy Vladimir


The basis of the athlete’s success is a high level of proficiency in the technique of the chosen sport, which in turn requires the maximum manifestation of motor skills. One of the most important methodological conditions for improving rational technique is the relationship and interdependence the structure of movements and the level of development of physical qualities. Increasing physical fitness requires a transition to a new level of technical skill and vice versa - a more complete technical skill of an athlete requires reinforcement with appropriate physical fitness. The purpose of the study is to analyze and summarize data on trends in the development of athletes’ motor skills in rhythmic gymnastics at the stage of preliminary basic training. To solve the problems of the study, methods of the theoretical level of knowledge and generalization of practical experience were used. The article outlines the leading physical skills, the development of which ensures successful execution of exercises in rhythmic gymnastics. A number of modern approaches, methods and means of developing motor skills are given. A distinctive feature of modern techniques is the using of auxiliary equipment to increase the effectiveness of exercises. Since the evidence of effectiveness is based only on increasing the characteristics of physical skills and quite a few of them rely on the certainty of their influence on improving the technique of performing exercises, it becomes important and necessary to have scientific justification of ways, which directed to improve the development of motor skills and at the same time to identify a positive impact on the technical training of gymnasts for the opportunity to assert the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed program.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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