Indicators of performance of varieties of attacks of qualified teams in futsal


Karpa Ihor,Lapychak Ihor,Kuz Taras,Fediuk Andrii


The results of the study of the varieties of attacks of qualified teams in futsal during the match allowed to establish that competitive activity is characterized by high speed, efficiency and intensity of tactical actions by qualified futsal players. It was found that during the match qualified futsal teams, which performed at the Ukrainian championship in the season 2023-2024, conducted from 184 to 204 attacks on the opponent's goal, with an average number of logically completed attacks 58.6% reached the opponent's goal. After analyzing the data of pedagogical observation it was found that qualified teams in futsal, most often take part in positional attacks, which make up 48.4% of the total number of attacks. The highest indicators of efficiency 64,8%, are established at carrying out fast attacks by skilled players in futsal. It was established that qualified futsal teams during the match carry out a large number of shots at the opponents' goal, of which 34.8% of shots were blocked by opponent's players, 32.6% of shots were carried out past the goal, a large number of shots 28.2% were repelled by the goalkeeper and 1.8% of shots were taken by the goal post and crossbar. It is worth emphasizing the high efficiency of the attacks, which amounted to 2.6% (attacks ended with a goal in the opponent's goal).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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