Structure of the step-by-step sequential program for future officers of military education institutions to engage in the military applied seventh school


Kurishko E.A.


High motivation, sufficient level of professional knowledge, excellent physical and functional condition of the main body systems of servicemen are an integral part of the combat readiness and combat capability of the personnel of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At many stages of the conduct of hostilities during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the availability of the latest weapons and equipment, as well as the training of personnel to perform assigned tasks, the high level of training of units and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, are definitely essential components. The analysis carried out by specialists in physical training and sports (service branches) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine indicates the need for constant improvement and development of military applied (special) physical skills of servicemen. Specialists insist on the need to introduce in the training of military personnel the skills of overcoming obstacles, moving on the battlefield, throwing grenades, firing from small arms from different positions, swimming in uniform and with weapons. The reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the training of future officers in military education institutions today makes it possible to abandon outdated approaches and methods of personnel training, and there are opportunities to introduce more effective methods into the military education system. More effective and innovative methods of training future officers of military educational institutions are organized for servicemen of the Armed Forces of NATO partner countries.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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