Formation of health-saving competence of future physical recreation specialists and teachers of health basics on the basis of interdisciplinary integration


Omelchuk Olena,Bilyk Valentyna,Knish Svitlana


The article deals with the problem of forming health-saving competence in future physical recreation specialists and health education teachers on the basis of interdisciplinary integration. Health and physical activity are important aspects of the overall well-being of society, so it is important to train qualified professionals who are able to promote and develop a healthy lifestyle among students and the public. The purpose of the article is to highlight the problem of forming the health-saving competence of future physical recreation specialists and teachers of health basics. Main tasks: to carry out a content analysis of literary sources on this problem, to consider ways of forming health-saving competence of future specialists in physical recreation and teachers of health basics on the basis of interdisciplinary integration. Conclusions The formation of health-saving competence in future physical recreation specialists and health education teachers can be achieved through interdisciplinary integration. This approach allows combining knowledge of physical recreation with the basics of health, which contributes to the development of a comprehensive understanding of health and a healthy lifestyle. herefore, it is important to implement an integrated approach to education through the use of interdisciplinary links, as only on the basis of interdisciplinary integration, using the base and scientific potential of fundamental biomedical and natural science disciplines, future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports - physical recreation specialists and teachers of health basics - will be able to acquire competencies that will allow them to holistically solve professional and practical tasks of health promotion and acquire health promotion competence.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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