Formation of Practical Readiness of Future Officers to organize Forms of Physical Training with Servicemen of different age groups


Pryshva Oles,Butenko Anton,Nesterov Oleksii,Grom Tetiana,Hrytsai Vasyl,Pavlov Roman


According to the results of the analysis of the scientific and methodical literature, it was established that an insufficient number of scientific and methodical works are devoted to the actual issue of the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skill s of the organization of the physical training system with the future subordinate staff by those obtaining higher education of higher military educational institutions. The main goal of the study is to develop organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of practical training of future officers in the direction of their organization of forms of physical training with an emphasis on the use of modern technical means of training and fitness technologies. As a result of theoretical research, we have developed organizational and pedagogical formations of practical training of future officers in the direction of their organization of forms of physical training (with an emphasis on the use of modern technical means of training and fitness technologies) with future subordinate personnel. We expect that the introduction of the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions into the system of physical and special physical training of the representatives of the studied category will contribute to the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of organizing forms of physical training with servicemen of different age groups (categories). In addition, in the future it is possible for future officers to organize occupational therapy activities with military personnel of various categories after treatment of injuries, illnesses, and wounds.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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