Demyanchuk T. O.,Sotnyk Z. G.,Romanova V. I.
The article raises the importance of studying the biochemistry of sports in the formation of the professional competences of sports coaches, acquiring the knowledge they will need when training athletes, making corrections in the educational and training process. Knowing how to carry out biochemical control in the training of athletes plays an important role. There is acid-alkaline balance, blood pH one of the informative objective indicators. The pH level is a direct indicator of the body's response to exercise. Establishing correlations between pH and biochemical blood parameters makes it possible to balance the educational and training process.
A shift in the body's pH to an acidic side indicates that the athlete is unable to perform physical activities at the proper level. There is a correlation between performance in competitions and an athlete's blood pH. Indicators of the acid-alkaline balance make it possible to adjust the diet, normalize the pH of the body by other means, and, if necessary, eliminate stressful situations.
To alkalize the human body, taking into account the results of research, it is necessary to consume alkaline food, drink a sufficient amount of water, as well as mineralized water, taking into account the performance of physical activities and environmental conditions.
Coaches need to pay more attention to passing biochemical control, in particular, testing the pH of athletes' bodies during the training and competition period. This will make it possible to avoid mistakes when planning the educational and training process, not to harm the health of athletes and more effectively prepare them for competitive activities, as well as to form eating habits of athletes to ensure acid-alkaline balance in the body.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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