The article highlights the main issues of searching for new directions for improving the quality of the process of professionally-applied physical training on the basis of the latest technologies. In our opinion, one of the main tasks of education and upbringing in the process of vocational and physical training of students of vocational schools is the development of thinking as a necessary condition for orientation in professionally significant problems, the formation of physical culture of the individual. Along with the general means and methods of professionally-applied physical training, an important role belongs to the game method and the competitive one. The game is a purposeful independent activity aimed at assimilation of specific knowledge, skills and skills of physical culture, in which students not only understand what they are offered as an object of assimilation, but also in practice will be convinced that their successes in self-development, their fate as a citizen, as a specialist, as a business person depends on their own efforts and decisions.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of the game method in the professional-applied physical training of students on their physical fitness.
The results of the experimental work on the application of the game method in professional-applied physical training showed a significant improvement in the level of physical fitness of students of the experimental group.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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