The effect of performing various technical and tactical actions on the final results of the competitive activity of highly qualified men's and women's teams in 3x3 basketball


Bezmylov Mykola,Wenpeng Cui


The article examines the peculiarities of the implementation of technical and tactical actions by highly qualified men's and women's teams at international competitions. The priority influence of the implementation of certain technical and tactical actions by highly qualified teams on the success of their performances both in individual matches and in the tournament as a whole was determined. The final success of the men's teams in the competition depends on the efficiency of long-range shots (r= -0.520), scored (r= -0.772) and missed (r= 0.635) points in the match, as well as turnovers (r= 0.502). For women's teams, the greatest influence on the final competitive result was scored (r= -0.678) and missed (r= 0.664) points in the match, the realization of one-point shots (r= -0.517), defensive rebounds (r= -0.305) and the number of losses ball in the match (r= 0.452). The largest coefficients of determination between the final place taken at the tournament and the implementation of technical and tactical actions were observed for those actions that were conventionally classified as actions of a mainly productive nature (for men - 0.69, for women - 0.73), and the smallest for actions mainly of a spectacular nature (for men and women - 0.33).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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