Modern Mimari Yapılarından Konut ve Villalarda Günışığı Kullanımı


CENGIZ Mehmet Sait1


1. Bitlis Eren Universty


Architects need to consider daylight as an important element in their designs, which are shaped by location, climate, and directions, no matter what type of building. In order for the functions to be realized in the spaces in the building to be realized in comfortable conditions, the illumination levels specified in the standards must be provided. Issues such as the dimensions of the openings that will allow direct or indirect sunlight to be designed on the outer surface of the space, and the determination of the dimensions of the windows and doors to be used are discussed in architecture. The geography, climate, and topography of the building should be examined in terms of daylight. The direction in which the building is located should be chosen according to human comfort as much as possible. In the designs, the texture of the surfaces and the amount of daylight taken into the space by reflecting or refracting from these surfaces should be calculated. In this study, while examining the effects of daylight on residential design, well-known architects of the recent period who used daylight as an architectural element in their designs were examined. Architects such as Le Corbusier, Steven Holl, and Tadao Ando, who incorporated daylight into their work, succeeded in transforming the indoor environment into an architectural space with daylight. In this way, they have achieved different and original results in their building designs. Since the architects who are the subject of this study use daylight as a design principle, it has been seen that the houses-villas belonging to these architects have reached more original designs thanks to the use of daylight. For this reason, it has been observed that these types of residences-villas are preferred more by the users.


European Journal of Science and Technology


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference139 articles.

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3. Ander, G.D., 1995. Daylighting Performance and Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

4. Ando, T., 1990. Materials, Geometry and Nature, Academy Editions, London.

5. Ando, T., 1991. Dormant Lines / Tadao Ando, Darell Wayne Fields, New York

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