Article XX of the Gatt 1994 and WTO Members: Sufficient Freedom to Define And Pursue Environmental Policy Objectives


Ibragimov Zh. I.1


1. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University , Astana , Kazakhstan


Abstract Providing free trade conditions to all WTO Members, the GATT 1994 includes general exceptions to Article XX, which allows members to adopt trade and legislative restrictions and measures to promote values and interests and the protection of the environment. Driven by the aim of protecting the environment, various countries have been adopting a considerable number of measures to protect the environment and all human, animal and plant life and health under their jurisdiction. However, such restrictions are likely to influence the free trade regime through a clash of interests and relationships between WTO Members, which are challenged through WTO dispute settlement mechanisms. Although the WTO provides exceptions under Article XX of its free trade conditions to protect the environment via the national environmental measures of WTO Members, the justifications for such measures are challenged in meeting the requirements of Article XX.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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