1. Benedykt XVI, Adhortacja Verbum Domini (2010).
2. Berkouwer, G.C., Holy Scripture (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 1975).
3. Calvin, J., Institutes of the Christian Religion (tł. F.L. Battles; red. J.T. McNeill; Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox 2006) I–II.
4. Davidson, I.J., „John Webster (1955–2016)”, A Companion to the Theology of John Webster (red. M. Allen – R.D. Nelson; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2021) 1–18.
5. Davidson, I.J., „John”, Theological Theology. Essays in Honour of John Webster (red. R.D. Nelson – D. Sarisky – J. Stratis; London: Bloomsbury Clark 2015) 17–36.