1. Barcz, Jan. “Flexible Integration as a Target System of Governance for the European Union.” Yearbook of Polish European Studies 18 (2015): 59–79.
2. Barcz, Jan. Od lizbońskiej do polizbońskiej Unii Europejskiej. Główne kierunki reformy ustro-jowej procesu integracji europejskiej. Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer, 2020.
3. The New Intergovernmentalism: European Integration in the Post-Maastricht Era
4. Cianciara, Agnieszka K. “Does Differentiation Lead to Disintegration? Insights from Theories of European Integration and Comparative Regionalism.” Yearbook of Polish European Studies 18 (2015): 39–58.
5. The next generation
: An analysis of the dimensions of conflict behind the deal