1. Augustinus, De bono viduitatis, ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 41, Wien 1900, tr. R. Kearney, The Excellence of Widowhood, in: The Works of Saint Augustine (A Translation for the 21st Century), v. 1/9, New York 1999.
2. Augustinus, De doctrina christiana, ed. W.M. Green, CSEL 80, Wien 1963,
3. tr. R.P.H. Green, Saint Augustine. On Christian Teaching, New York 2008.
4. Cicero, De oratore, ed. E.W. Sutton – H. Rackham, London 1948.
5. Andoková M., Rečnícke umenie sv. Augustína v kázňach k stupňovým žalmom, Bratislava 2013.