1. Classical Arabic Stories. An Anthology, ed. S.Kh. Jayyusi, New York 2010.
2. Khalifa ibn Khayyat’s History on the Umayyad Dynasty (660–750), tr. and ed. C. Wurtzel, Liverpool 2015.
3. Theophanis Chronographia, еd. C.G. de Boor, Lipsiae 1883, tr. The Chronicle of Theophanes. An English translation of Anni Mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813), tr. and ed. H. Turtledove, Philadelphia 1982
4. The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor. Byzantine and Near Eastern history A.D. 284-813, tr. and ed. C. Mango - R. Scott - G. Greatrex, Oxford 1997.
5. The Seventh Century in the West-Syrian Chronicles, tr. and ed. A. Palmer, Liverpool 1993.