1. Aletti, J.-N., "The Rhetoric of Romans 5-8," The Rhetorical Analysis of Scripture. Essays from the 1995 London Conference (eds. S.E. Porter - T.H. Olbricht) ( Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 146
2. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press 1997) 294-308.
3. Aletti, J.-N., New Approaches for Interpreting the Letters of Saint Paul. Collected Essays. Rhetoric, Soteriology, Christology and Ecclesiology (Subsidia Biblica 43; Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press 2012).
4. Aletti, J.-N., “Romans 5–8. The Arrangement and Its Theological Relevance,” J.-N. Aletti, New Approaches for Interpreting the Letters of Saint Paul. Collected Essays. Rhetoric, Soteriology, Christology and Ecclesiology (Subsidia Biblica 43; Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press 2012) 61–78.
5. Aletti, J.-N., “Romans 7:7–25 and Galatians 5:17. Questions and Proposals,” J.-N. Aletti, New Approaches for Interpreting the Letters of Saint Paul. Collected Essays. Rhetoric, Soteriology, Christology and Ecclesiology (Subsidia Biblica 43; Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press 2012) 79–109.