1. Aune, D.E., “Anthropological Duality in the Eschatology of 2 Cor 4:16–5:10,” Paul beyond the Judaism/Hellenism Divide (ed. T. Engberg-Pedersen) (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox 2001) 215–240.
2. Aune, D.E., The Westminster Dictionary of New Testament and Early Christian Literature and Rhetoric (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox 2003).
3. Baumgärtel, F., “Flesh in the Old Testament,” Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (eds. G. Kittel – G. Friedrich; trans. G.W. Bromiley) (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 1971) VII, 105–108.
4. Best, E., The Temptation and the Passion. The Markan Soteriology (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 2; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1965).
5. Betz, H.D., “The Concept of the ‘Inner Human Being’ (ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος) in the Anthropology of Paul,” New Testament Studies 46/3 (2000) 315–341.