Global trends of digital transformation of retail trade during the corona crisis


Naumenko A. ..1,Shapovalova A. ..2


1. Non-profit Partnership «International Institute of Certified Accountants and Financial Managers»

2. Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives


The article examines some aspects of digitalization of the retail sector during the COVID-19 and under the pressure of information and communication technology (ICT) innovations. Ecommerce, previously a secondary sales channel, in the face of the impact of quarantine restrictions on the social activity of citizens, has become a noticeable factor and “accelerator” of consumer migration to online-channels and industry transformation. In this regard, as a special segment of the digital economy, e-commerce acquires particular importance for the study and development of recommendations for improving sales technologies, when moving to omnichannel service.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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