Formation of information support for assessment of logistics potential of the region


Strebkova L. ..1


1. Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives


To develop, refine, evaluate and monitor the implementation of strategic and operational measures, improve the efficiency and sustainability of the region, information is needed to identify existing opportunities and problems. The assessment of the logistics potential of the region contributes to increasing the level of information support for managerial decision-making on various aspects of the region's activities and reducing the associated risks, not only logistics, but also economic, financial, and innovative. The article substantiates the feasibility of analyzing the regional logistics system, presents the process of forming information support for assessing the logistics potential of the region. It was also noted that it is necessary to conduct such a research taking into account the territorial specifics in order to further strategic planning of the region's development and increase its competitiveness. To develop, refine, evaluate and monitor the implementation of strategic and operational measures, to ensure sustainable balanced development of the region, information is needed to identify the existing opportunities and problems. Such information can be created and structured accordingly when forming a regional logistics system. The assessment of the logistics potential of the region contributes to increasing the level of information support for managerial decision-making on various aspects of the region's activities and reducing the associated risks, not only logistical, but also economic (financial). The article substantiates the feasibility of analyzing the regional logistics system, presents the process of forming information support for assessing the logistics potential of the region. The necessity of conducting such a study taking into account the territorial specifics in order to further strategic planning of the socio-economic development of the region and increase its competitiveness was also noted.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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