The concept and genesis of integrated reporting in the triad "state - society - business"


Fadeikina N. .1,Saprykina O. .2,Bryukhanova N. .3


1. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management

2. Novosibirsk Institute of Technology (Branch) A.N. Kosygin Russian State University (Design. Technologies. Art)

3. IT Support and Analysis Center Inter RAO - Procurement Management Center LLC


The article summarizes the research results of the authors of this article, other domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners who have devoted their work to the formation of corporate non-financial reporting, the study of the causes of the emergence and development of integrated reporting, as well as its main functions, including information-analytical, coordinating, regulatory functions and goal-setting functions. The stages of formation and development of integrated reporting are structured and their key events are commented on. The influence of the theory of rational expectations, institutional theory, market value theory, theory of organizational behavior, the concept of dynamic abilities on the development of integrated reporting is evaluated. The author substantiates the fact that the development of the theory of corporate governance based on the ideology of successful development, integration of the interests of companies with national socio-economic interests, requires modernization of the methodology of integrated corporate reporting, combining financial and non-financial reports (and indicators characterizing them) into a single model, which will increase the degree of openness and accountability of the company, the quality of external, internal audit and the effectiveness of its activities. According to the authors, the unified concept of corporate integrated reporting should be structured around the strategic objectives of the company, its business model and corporate governance model, focused on improving the quality of interaction with stakeholders, achieving sustainable success and transition to sustainable investment. Special attention is paid to the domestic Concept of development of public non-financial reporting and evaluation of its Implementation Plan.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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