Problematic issues of electric grid development in Russia and possible solutions through the implementation of lean production.


Shibiko A. V.1


1. Baikal State University


The relevance of paper is due that to the fact the power grid complex of the Russian Federation has a significant impact not only on the economy of the country, but also on the comfort level of citizens. The aim of the study: to analyse the problematic issues of power grid development in the Russian Federation and to propose possible solutions using the principles of «lean production». The basis of the study was formed by the works of authors: K.K. Sevostyanova, T.S. Ilyinskaya, Y.L. Alexandrov, E.V. Skubrii, Y.D. Alexandrov and others. As a result, it was concluded that part of the problems typical for the electric grid complex of the Russian Federation can be solved by creating a Unified Electronic Platform for suppliers and territorial grid organizations.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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