Corporate training systems in production companies of Russia


Abolmasov A. V.1,Smirnov S. A.1,Golubitskaya T. A.2,Dolzhenko R. A.3


1. Institute of Training and Development Technologies – ANO DPO “ITOR”

2. ANO “Rosatom Corporate Academy”

3. Ural State Economic University


In the context of constant changes and the need to quickly respond to challenges from the outside world, the need for constant training and development of personnel becomes mandatory for business. Identification of basic directions for the development of training and development systems, consolidation of best practices, including the example of Rosatom, will make it possible to formulate recommendations for domestic companies that are faced with the need to create and develop such effective systems. The methodological basis of the study was the work of a research group of scientists from the Higher School of Management of St. Petersburg State University under the leadership of E.K. Zavyalova and the Higher School of Business of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the studies of V.S. Katkalo. In-depth interviews with managers of the training and development function of domestic large manufacturing companies, analysis of cases and documents of enterprises that have created a dedicated structure that implements the training and development function. The information base of the study consisted of materials from 20 interviews with HR directors and directors of corporate universities/educational centers, and the results of an analysis of the experience of 9 companies. The analysis showed that the functions of development and education, its representation and place in the organization’s system largely depend on the general director or HR director. Training is not a priority area for working with personnel; in most cases, the training and development function is a service function. The number of company personnel and the size of the training and development function are weakly related to each other, as is the connection of the latter with the effectiveness of the function. The findings of the study may be useful for organizational leaders and HR directors planning to develop the education and development function in the company.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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