Balance of the national economy and economic security


Mikitchuk Vitaly P. V. P.1,Stanovaya A. A.2


1. North-Eastern State University

2. Baltic State Technic University «VOENMEH» named after D.F. Ustinov


The article presents arguments in favor of strengthening the relationship between the balance of the economy and economic security from the point of view of the prospects for the formation of rational macro- and mesoeconomic policies. Based on this, a conceptual framework for ensuring a balanced Russian economy based on inter-sectoral balance has been proposed. The development of appropriate management decisions should be based on a reasonable combination of state and market regulatory instruments, which, in turn, involves achieving a balance of economic interests of all economic entities. At the same time, the solution to pressing problems of economic growth in Russia is ensured in the context of the balanced development of industries and territories, as well as increasing the level of economic security. Such changes have an impact on the characteristics and composition of the management tools used, which expands the existing scientific ideas about balance, which acts as a condition for the sustainable, dynamic development of the Russian economy and strengthening its position in the global space.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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