Assessment of Opportunities for the Introduction and Development of Unmanned Vehicles in Modern Socio-Economic Conditions


Lerman E. B.1,Teslova S. A.2,Sukhareva S. V.2


1. Siberian Transport University

2. Siberian State Automobile and Highway University


The possibility and expediency of introducing modern technologies in transport in the urban environment are considered.The prerequisites and conditions for the development of unmanned vehicles are studied. Statistical data are analyzed to assess the economic conditions of road transport operation. A sociological survey was carried out that reveals the attitude of the population to the introduction and development of intelligent technologies in transport, as well as the factors that influence them. Based on the results of the survey, proposals were modeled to overcome the factors and risks that hinder the development of unmanned vehicles.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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