1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The COVID-19 pandemic has created huge challenges for all aspects of life, including social, economic, social activities, healthcare, government and business activities. After the mandatory closure and quarantine, there is new hope in the fight against the virus, as vaccines and new precautions have been implemented around the world, but the crisis is not over yet. Many lessons from this crisis are still being learned, indicating the need for human resource managers to review lessons learned from past emergencies and disasters, in addition to organizational responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, existing human resources management plans and policies, occupational safety and health procedures, and plans to ensure continuity of operations in future emergencies will need to be reviewed.
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM
Reference12 articles.
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