Economical aspects of rice production in Russia: scientific argumentation toward sustainable development


Mikhailenko A. V.1,Ruban D. A.2


1. Southern Federal University

2. Moscow State University of Technologies and Management


Sustainable development of rice production in Russia requires serious scientific argumentation from the economical point of view. The analysis of journal articles of domestic specialists devoted to rice production economy reveals their relatively high number (44 works during 5 years) and diversity (11 themes attributed to 3 thematic clusters). The geographical distribution of these articles is highly uneven, and the majority of them are linked by focus and authors’ affiliation to the Krasnodar Region. Meantime, several regions developing rice production (also very successfully) lack the relevant articles. Many articles bear limited citations of sources, and the use of fresh international information is minimal. The results indicate on the interest of Russian specialists to the economical aspects of rice production, although the current state of the related scientific argumentation is a kind of challenge to sustainability of this direction of crop production, and this requires implementation of special research initiatives. 


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM


General Medicine

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