On measurement of the results of the activities of digital economy at the regional level


Glinskiy V. V.1,Serga L. K.1


1. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management


The article considers the methodical approaches to the solution of the problem of the assessment of the influence of digital economy on economic performance. The solution of the set problem is very important not only in the regional but national scale as well. The methodical approach to studying unevenness of digital development of the regions in terms of its certain segments (business and population) was suggested and tested. The analysis of the influence of digital economy on social and economic development of the regions was carried out. The assessment of the degree of the influence of the digital changes on the Russian economy in general was made. Conclusions were drawn. The data of the “Indicators of digital economy” statistical compilation were used as the informational base of the study.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM


General Medicine

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