Some aspects of the functioning of the cryptocurrency market


Shmyreva A. I.1,Samokhvalov S. I.1


1. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management


The article considers the main factors that have a positive effect on the quantity demanded for cryptocurrency, and information is the primary one. The authors separately consider the use of Bitcoin throughout 2020 as the leading cryptocurrency on the market. The position of the direct dependence of the value of other cryptocurrencies on the behavior of Bitcoin is given. The study shows that in the modern world, cryptocurrency is not only an investment tool but also a payment instrument which gathers momentum. This is evidenced by the annual expansion of the use of cryptocurrency in the market for goods, works and services. Despite the increasing demand for cryptocurrencies, the problem of infrastructure formation remains open. In modern times, cryptocurrency exchanges appear to be a key element of the infrastructure of the cryptocurrency market, their functioning cannot be stabilized in individual states, which leads to the formation of a shadow cryptocurrency market. A significant aspect of the functioning of cryptocurrencies is the difference in the key factors affecting the cryptocurrency market and the securities market. For the first market such a factor is information, for the second – financial position of the issuer of the securities. It shows investors the difference between these segments of the financial market. In the future, with the participation of all elements of the cryptocurrency market, it is possible to form a balanced system that will function steadily under the influence of external factors.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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