Efficiency of management in agricultural business: balanced approach


Matushevskaya E. A.1


1. Sevastopol State University


The article is based on the results of an empirical study of management efficiency at agricultural enterprises in the Sevastopol region. The experience of the formation and functioning of the system of strategic management of the land and property complex in the organizations of the agrarian sector of the Russian Federation demonstrates a number of significant limitations and complications, including the dynamism of changes in the external environment, the lack of strategic vision of business development, unpreparedness of personnel, poor knowledge of strategic management tools etc., reducing its effectiveness, which requires a comprehensive study and approach to a solution. As a result of the study, a balanced approach to determination of the required number of BSC indicators was justified, supplementing the traditional BSC model with an investment component and justifying its use. The introduction of the BSC, as a method of strategic management adapted to the peculiarities of the agricultural business, makes it possible to solve the economic problems of each agricultural enterprise, as well as to form and implement an optimal management strategy in accordance with the available strategic opportunities.


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM

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