Financial literacy and its multi-factory model in conditions of digital economic transformation


Shapovalova A. V.1,Munister V. D.2


1. Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation

2. Donetsk College of Industrial Automation


The article considers the issues of improving financial literacy of the population and develops its multifactorial model. It is concluded that digital financial literacy contributes to the formation of sustainable skills among the population that help to search, evaluate and choose financial services to improve the quality of life. Users of financial services are becoming more informed, responsible and selective in their financial decisions, and mathematical tools for analyzing financial culture provide an opportunity to make an objective analysis of financial activity and explain the legality or illegality of certain actions in digital profiles of citizens, which indirectly helps to ensure personal financial security. 


Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM


General Medicine

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