
Bondarev Nikolay1,Kotov Roman1,Bondareva Galina2


1. Kemerovo State University

2. Kuzbass State Agrarian University named after V.N. Poletskov


The article presents the results of research evaluating the effectiveness of regional agricultural policy. The methodology involves determining the correlation between financing from budgets of different levels and the gross regional product of the agro-industrial complex of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass. In order to confirm the correlation dependence, the trends in the development of the gross regional product of the agro-industrial complex and financing from different budget levels and total financing are graphically presented. A correlation has been determined for each budget level, showing the degree of influence of state support on the gross regional product. A scale for evaluating performance according to a point system, including four levels, is proposed. Based on the correlation dependence, the effectiveness of the agrarian policy of the region is determined as an average level for regional financing.


Electronic Science

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