
Garbuzova Taisiya1,Peresada Aleksandr2,Smirnov Daniil3,Pestryakov Denis3,Funikova Svetlana4


1. St. Petersburg State Forestry Engineering University named after S.M.Kirov

2. Sterlitamak branch of the Ufa University of Science and Technology

3. Voronezh State Technical University

4. Belgorod State Scientific Research University


The formation of the socio-economic culture of students is a key element in ensuring the sustainable development of society. This work is devoted to the analysis of the importance of socio-economic education in educational institutions and its impact on the development of personality and society as a whole. The article reveals the content of the concept of socio-economic culture, which includes economic knowledge, resource management skills, as well as social and ethical norms of behavior in economic activity, analyzes the role of the education system in the formation of socio-economic culture, emphasizes the need to integrate economic education into the school curriculum and additional education. It also discusses various approaches and techniques used to develop socio-economic culture among students, including interactive and project-based teaching methods, as well as the use of information technology, provides examples of successful practices and projects aimed at improving the level of socio-economic culture of schoolchildren, discusses the results and effectiveness of such initiatives. In addition, the article examines the relationship between socio-economic education and sustainable development of society, shows how the formation of responsible and economically literate behavior among young people contributes to sustainable economic growth and social well-being. It is emphasized that the formation of socio-economic culture of students is an integral part of the educational process and an important factor for achieving sustainable development of society.


Electronic Science

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