1. Penza State University of Architecture and Construction
The article examines the country's timber industry complex as an important link in the Russian economy, combining four sectors of the national economy, and at the same time the most affected in recent years as a result of the imposed sanctions and embargoes. The activities of city-forming enterprises in sixteen single-industry towns are at risk of stopping and freezing, which entails job losses and discontent among the population. In turn, the loss of international sales markets predetermines the need to restructure the current situation and increase domestic demand for timber industry products.
Based on the conducted research, inter-industry clustering has been identified as the most optimal and effective tool aimed at supporting the complex and territories as a whole, attracting additional financial resources, import compensation, creating new competitive products, using domestic equipment, and introducing innovative high-tech solutions. The article highlights the main advantages of this approach and indicators of their manifestation. The structure of the cluster and its main concept are proposed - the implementation of a circular economy and deep integrated wood processing. Attention is paid to the entire chain of wood circulation, including its cultivation, harvesting, transportation, processing, adding additional added value, creating the final product and its sale, using production waste and producing environmentally friendly biofuels. Building productive interaction between business, authorities, research organizations, financial and credit institutions will give a positive synergistic effect and stabilize the economic condition of a number of industries.
For the purpose of effective clustering, a set of practical measures to support territories has been defined, including six areas - personnel, scientific and technological progress, infrastructure, finance, business and urban environment. The presented series of recommendations is aimed at improving the microeconomic situation of a number of regions with the presence of forests.
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