
Platonovskiy Nikolay1,Kelemetov Eldar1,Shuldyakov Alexander2,Sinelnikova Olga1ORCID,Grachev Andrey1


1. Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

2. FGBOU VO «Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet - MSHA imeni K.A. Timiryazeva»


In this study, based on data from the Food and Agriculture Organization, the authors characterized the change for 2011-2022 in the volume of exports of fruit and berry products from Egypt and the share of this country in the corresponding global indicator. Ten main fruits and berries in Egyptian exports were identified for 2022, the directions and volumes of their supplies were reflected. The first five of them were represented by oranges (45.61% of physical exports of fruit and berry products from Egypt), tangerines (6.75%), lemons and limes (5.04%), grapes (4.36%), dates (1.51%). The second five included strawberries - 1.26%, peaches and nectarines - 0.52%, pomelo and grapefruits - 0.47%, watermelons - 0.27%, melons - 0.12%. It is noticeable that citrus fruits accounted for 57.87%. The authors identified ten countries that in 2022 were leaders in the supply of these ten fruits and berries from Egypt. Mostly among them were a number of countries from the Middle East, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Russia, among other countries in the world, took first place in purchasing from Egypt oranges, tangerines, pomelo and grapefruits, second - lemons and limes, third - grapes, peaches and nectarines, fourth - strawberries.


Electronic Science

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