The study systematizes analytics describing the peculiarities of the behavior of modern Russian and foreign consumers, identifies the causes and factors that had the greatest impact on consumer behavior in 2020-2023, examines the directions and prospects for the development of a marketing management system in the clothing market that meet the described features.
Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the post-pandemic period, during the period of sanctions against the Russian Federation. The article is based on the research results of Adobe, Econsultancy, Gartner, McKinsey, Data Insight, Better, Business research insights, eMarketer, Tiburon Research, Satio.
The article presents the results of a survey conducted with the participation of the author of specialists of Russian companies based on the results of their work in 2022-2023, who noted the desire of their customers to save money, switch to cheaper brands and analogues in the clothing market, or refuse to buy. According to the respondents, customers also began to make increased demands on clothing, switch to online shopping channels, and engage in more active dialogue with companies on social networks. A small part of the customers demonstrated a desire for conscious consumption. As a response from Russian companies, the following were noted: strengthening SMM strategies and tactics for managing the clothing sales process, using data marketing, and increasing the effectiveness of multi-channel video involving marketing in the clothing trade process.
The article also focuses on describing key trends in the behavior of Russian consumers of clothing – the desire to save money, switching to local brands, and going online. The revealed changes and patterns have made it possible to form a number of promising areas of business management in the clothing trade, based on digitalization and customer experience management.
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