Since the beginning of the XXI. century, it has been seen that bovine tuberculosis (bTB) disease in Türkiye has both increased in the number of outbreaks and gradually spread throughout the country. This study aims to map the spatial distribution of bTB between 2017 and 2021 at the scale of outbreak premises. Besides, the basic data of the research, which includes the results of the filiation studies carried out in the outbreak premises, were taken from the veterinary information system. The inclusion of the geographical coordinates of each premises with a bTB outbreak in the system has enabled point mapping of the data throughout Türkiye by using geographical information systems. As a result, the spatial distribution of the number of bTB outbreaks both in Türkiye and in the province of Erzurum, annual and five-years temporal distribution patterns, filiation graphs of the disease, and animal movements in the outbreak premises were revealed. Although the number of bTB outbreaks varies according to years, thanks to the fact that the spatial scale in the data is at the premises level, the clustering areas in the country are determined in much more detail than the distribution maps according to the provinces. Two points provide as a concise summary of the findings. The first is to explain the spatial spread of bTB across the country; secondly, it is expected to guide decision-makers to identify target intervention areas in the fight against the disease and to determine the national fight strategy.
Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi