current and potential role of blockchain-based technology in managing medical records in Africa


Niyitunga Eric BlancoORCID


Accurate and well-managed medical records play a major role in high-quality health care. They are a valuable asset that allows hospitals to treat patients in an effective and efficient way. They also play an important role in health care governance, providing evidence in court cases between patients and hospitals. However, in Africa, medical records are not given much academic attention. Good record-keeping has been hampered by a poor management, as well as a lack of trained personnel who understand how to record and keep these records. This study is aimed at exploring the utilisation of blockchain technology in improving medial records at African hospitals. The reserach is qualitative, comprising desktop research of secondary material and its analysis. It finds that poor medical records in hospitals contribute to the prevalence of disease in African countries, which results in funds that could be invested in development projects being diverted to health care instead. It also shows that 4IR, specifically blockchain-based technology, could play a significant role in the management of medical records in Africa. It could help staff to capture and maintain more accurate medial records, and ensure their security and longevity. Moreover, it could improve access to medical records for all health practitioners. Patients could also access their records, thus helping them to evaluate and manage their own health.


University of Johannesburg

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