Setting new standards for health communication in South Africa


Verwey SonjaORCID,Crystal Andrea


Prior to the 1994 election, health care was a privilege enjoyed only bysome sectors of the community. After the election health care wasentrenched in the constitution through section 27(1) that states thateveryone has a right to have access to health seNices.The challenge the ANC led government faces is to balance themaintenance of tertiary care service with the simultaneous upgrading of. primary care seNices. The strategy adopted by the Department of Healthis to regulate the industry and educate the public. Although this strategicapproach is designed to promote and provide healthcare to al/ SouthAfricans, it appears to be failing. According to the Economist IntelligenceUnit the health status of South Africa is the poorest of all 27 countriesmeasured. During the first two years of the new health care system manycrises occurred. According to the Director General of Health, some of thecrises were the result of the long neglect of apartheid while other crisesrelate directly to the lack of skill in communication.This article argues that improved communication at all levels is anecessary prereqUisite if South Africa is to improve the health status of ourpopulation.


University of Johannesburg

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