Alam Md Zakirul,Aziz Mohibul
A 19 years old married female presented with severe upper abdominal pain, repeated vomiting having history of swallowing a knife 7 months ago was admitted in Mordern Clinic and Diagnostic center, Joypurhat, Bangladesh. USG abdomen & X-ray (fig-1) abdomen were done when presence of a large foreign body (knife fig-3) in abdomen was made which latter on confirmed by Endoscopy of upper GIT (fig-2). Surprisingly the patient kept it in her abdomen for 7 months without any symptoms until the symptoms got worse and compelled her to seek medical help. The knife was removed by laparotomy, gastrotomy with uneventful recovery.Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol.14(2) 2015 p.210-212
Bangladesh Journals Online (JOL)
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