Koefisien Serap Bunyi Papan Partikel Dari Bahan Serbuk Kayu Kelapa


Suhaemi Thamrin,Tongkukut Seni H. J.,. As'ari


Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik koefisien serap bunyi papan partikel dari bahan dasar serbuk kayu kelapa. Papan partikel dibuat dengan mencampur serbuk kayu kelapa dengan tepung kanji, dicetak, dan dikeringkan. Sampel berbentuk silinder, dibuat sebanyak 4 buah dengan tebal : (1,15 cm), (1,95 cm), (2,95 cm) dan (4,05 cm). Nilai koefisien serap bunyi sampel diukur menggunakan alat ukur koefisien serap bunyi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, ketebalan sampel mempengaruhi nilai koefisien serap bunyi (α) yaitu pada frekuensi 600 Hz. Koefisien serap bunyi (α) semakin menurun dengan bertambahnya ketebalan papan partikel (sampel penyerap).The research had been doing to know characteristic sound absorption coefficient of particle board which made from base material coconut wood dust. The particle board made by mix of coconut wood dust with cornstarch then pressed and dried. The particle board as a sample is cylinder with diameter 8,5 cm. The thick of four samples are 1,15 cm, 1,95 cm, 2,95 cm, and 4,15 cm. The sound absorption coefficient have measured by sound absorption coefficient instruments. The result is sample thickness has influence to sound absorption coefficient values such as at 600 Hz frequencies. Sound absorption coefficients is decreasing to the increasing of the particle board thickness (absorber sample).


Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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