Introduction: The authors focus on the unresolved problem of NCDs and on the relevance of further scientific research in accordance with the current physics-biological level of
knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body. In the course, emphasis is placed on the need for further study of methods for assessing the bioelectromagnetic
field of the human body as a potential “tool” for a possible solution of the NCD problem in the framework of system medicine.
The aim is to assess the level of development of the methodology and substantiate the scientific feasibility of further exploring the possibilities of the clinical application of
these methods for assessing the bioelectromagnetic field of the human body in the algorithms for examining and managing patients with NCDs to study valeological status
and objective monitoring of physical phenomena in the clinic of internal diseases.
Materials and methods: The analysis of the literature data was carried out in the course of a search study of methods for the rapid assessment of valeological status as a
fragment of the initiative research project “Development of algorithms and technology for introducing a healthy lifestyle in patients with non-communicable diseases based
on the study of psycho-emotional status” (State registration No. 0116U007798, UDC 613:616-052:159.942:616-03).
Review: The gnoseological aspect of the development of the methodology for assessing the bioelectric and biomagnetic fields of the human body is described in the article.
The conditional time stages of the methodology are highlighted and characterized in it. It was proposed to distinguish between periods: 1) cumulative (XIII-XVIII centuries),
2) cumulative-dynamic (XII-XX centuries), 3) modern (XXI century) 4) modern (prospective). Questions of the feasibility of further research assessing the bioelectromagnetic
field of the human body are discussed.
Conclusions: 1. The above gnoseological aspect of the 700-year-old methodology for studying the bioelectromagnetic field of a human body demonstrates a staged evolution
of its development, the presence of a significant amount of cumulated scientific information, which requires rethinking as part of system medicine. This convinces us of the
existence of a tendency of inevitable approaching the final stage of knowledge of the human bioelectromagnetic field with the widespread introduction of these techniques
into the practical public health of the world.
2. The accumulated layer of scientific knowledge about the bioelectromagnetic component of the human body requires integration into fundamental medicine, transformation
of the modern paradigm by creating a bioelectromagnetic-chemical concept of the exchange of matter and energy in the human body.
3. Further research on the assessment of the bioelectromagnetic field is relevant and can contribute to solving the NCD problem both at a fundamental level within the framework of system medicine and by optimizing the diagnostic assessment in patient management algorithms during diagnosis, treatment, primary and secondary prevention.
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