1. Poddębice Health Center, Ltd., Poddębice, Poland
2. Center for Prevention and Rehabilitation CREATOR, Ltd., Łódź, Poland
Introduction: The progressing aging process and comorbidities worsen the efficiency of the balance system in the elderly, which leads to a weakening of stability and, as a consequence, to falls and injuries. The first ones lead to: worsening of functioning, reduced mobility, an increased risk of disease and mortality, therefore systematic physical activity and shaping the balance using physiotherapy, which can prevent dangerous falls is very important.
Aim: Assessment of the therapeutic effect of physiotherapy on minimizing imbalances in geriatric patients.
aterial and Methods: The study group consisted of 46 people, including 32 women (69.6%) and 14 men (30.4%); average age of respondents – 72.5 years. They were patients of the Department of Rehabilitation of Poddębice Health Center, Ltd. The researchers used a self-made questionnaire, body mass to height index (BMI) and the Tinetti Test.
Results: Patients with an elevated BMI (89.1%), as well as those taking more than 4 medication (78.3%), have had more falls over the past year (respectively 91.4% and 81.4%). After the use of comprehensive therapy, none of the patients achieved a worse result than before the physiotherapy while 91.3% of the respondents had an increase in the number of points scored in the Tinetti Test. The percentage of patients at high risk of falling reduced from 67.4% to 37%. There was also a decrease in the fear of walking (in 58.7%), falling (in 57.7%) and climbing stairs (in 47.9%). According to 78.3% of respondents, physiotherapy positively affected their independence and quality of life.
Conclusions: The use of comprehensive physiotherapy reduces the fear of walking, climbing stairs and falling, which can be a good predictor of prevention. Both polypragmasia and an elevated body mass index (BMI) increase the risk of falling. Comprehensive physiotherapy of geriatric patients helps to improve balance and gait stereotype. Physiotherapy for the elderly helps improve the quality of life, independence, minimize imbalances, and thus reduce the risk of falls. Balance exercises play an important role in preventing falls.
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