Evaluation of the Impact of the Whole-body Cryotherapy Treatment on the Functional Condition of the Knee Joints in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis


Przedborska Agnieszka1,Szymczak Mateusz2,Kilon Małgorzata1,Kikowski Łukasz3,Raczkowski Jan1


1. Oddział Kliniczny Rehabilitacji Pourazowej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, Łodź, Polska

2. Ośrodek Profilaktyki i Rehabilitacji NZOZ CREATOR Sp. z o.o. w Łodzi, Łodź, Polska

3. Ośrodek Profilaktyki i Rehabilitacji NZOZ CREATOR Sp. z o.o. w Łodzi, Łodź, Polska; Zakład Alergologii i Rehabilitacji Oddechowej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, Łodź, Polska


Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease that leads to disability of patients. The use of the whole-body cryotherapy treatment for RA patients provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and improves their efficiency. Aim: Assessment of the effect of the whole-body cryotherapy treatment on the functional state of knee joints for patients with RA. Material and Method: The study was conducted on a group of 30 RA patients, who underwent a series of 10 whole-body cryotherapy treatment. The effectiveness and efficiency of the applied therapy was assessed on the basis of: the VAS scale, the Laitinen scale, the assessment of the range of motion, muscle strength with the MicroFet dynamometer and the Up and Go test. Results: As a result of the applied whole-body cryotherapy treatment, a reduction in the intensity of pain, measured with the VAS scale and the Laitinen scale, and a reduction in the duration of morning stiffness by about 55% were found. There was an increase in the range of motion and muscle strength. The time needed to perform the Up and Go test was reduced by 17%. Conclusions: The whole-body cryotherapy treatment is an effective analgesic method of physiotherapy for patients with RA. It provides an improvement in the functional state, increases the range of motion, muscle strength and improves the gait function.



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