The Effect of Dry Needling, Shock Wave Therapy and Manual Therapy on the Achilles Tendon Enthesopathy. A Case Study


Szewczyk Jakub1,Zwolińska-Mirek Katarzyna1,Mirek Janusz1


1. State School of Higher Vocational Education, Institute of Physical Education, Nowy Sącz, Poland


Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy applied on the health condition of a patient with an Achilles tendon injury. Case study: A case study of a 23-year-old runner with an Achilles tendon injury that was diagnosed by an orthopedist. After two platelet-rich plasma injections within 6 weeks, the patient was referred for rehabilitation. An ultrasound scan of the Achilles tendon was performed before and after the therapy was applied. Also, three months after the treatment was completed, orthopedic examination was performed - VAS scale, algometry and ultrasound scanning. Conclusions: The use of the extracorporeal shock wave therapy, dry needling and manual therapy in treating an Achilles tendon injury proved to be highly effective. The orthopedic examination and ultrasound scanning performed 3 months after the treatment was completed showed that the patient’s pains and difficulty walking had been removed.




General Medicine

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