The Analysis of the Influence of Nutrition and Physical Activity on the Morphological and Functional Parameters of the Children’s Spine During Adolescence


Kałużyński Wojciech1,Kałucka Anna1,Prokop Anna1,Kikowski Łukasz2


1. Center of Prevention and Rehabilitation NZOZ Creator Sp. z o.o. in Lodz, Poland

2. Center of Prevention and Rehabilitation NZOZ Creator Sp. z o.o. in Lodz, Poland; Department of Allergology and Respiratory Rehabilitation, Medical University of Lodz, Poland


Aim: Assessment of the impact of nutritional status and physical activity on body posture, including selected morphological and functional parameters of the spine, during children’s adolescence. Analysis of selected aspects of everyday life that may affect disorders of the spine. Assessment of children’s awareness of proper nutrition and the health-promoting role of physical activity. Material and Methods: The study involved 41 children aged 10-13 years. A self-authored survey was used. A questionnaire of a modified method of scoring the assessment of body posture according to Kasperczyk was also used. Selected tests were performed, including: chin-sternum test, Otto’s test, Tomayer’s test, as well as measurement with skinfold calipers and a tape measure. Results: The average daily time of performing activities by the studied children in sitting positions was more than 2 times longer than spent on various forms of physical activies. Waist Hip Ratio studies have indicated gynoid body proportions among boys and normal in girls. The calculated Body Mass Index shows that 10 girls (24%) and 6 boys (15%) had a deviation from the norm. Postural disorders were indicated in 100% of the subjects, including spinal mobility disorders in 24 people (59%). The majority of people (90%) undertook physical activity while showing insufficient knowledge of nutrition norms. Conclusions: The greater the body weight, the lower the mobility within the spine. No associations were observed between the type, length and frequency of physical activity undertaken, as well as the amount of time spent in sitting positions and disorders of mobility within the spine. Despite the large amount of time in sitting positions, children often and willingly undertake physical activity. The respondents have a satisfactory knowledge of pro-health behaviors, however, they present an unsatisfactory state of knowledge in the field of awareness about correctness, norms and the way of proper nutrition.




General Medicine

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