Assessment of Effectiveness of Usage Complex Manual Therapy in Patients with Lumbar Flexion Dysfunction After Discectomy, in Comparison to Standard Physiotherapy Based on Physical Therapy, Balneotherapy and Sensorimotor Exercises


Mańko Grzegorz1,Sobański Grzegorz2,Czamara Kamil3,Georgiew Filip4


1. Department of Biomechanics and Kinesiology, Institute of Physiotherapy, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, Krakow, Poland; ORNR “Krzeszowice”, Rehabilitation Center, Krzeszowice, Poland

2. Medical Department, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland; Medical and Rehabilitation Center in Tarnów, Tarnów, Poland

3. ORNR “Krzeszowice”, Rehabilitation Center, Krzeszowice, Poland

4. Faculty of Health Science, University of Applied Science in Tarnów, Tarnów, Poland


Aim: The purpose of this study was to asset the effectiveness of complex manual therapy usage in patients with lumbar flexion dysfunction after discectomy, in comparison to standard physiotherapy based on physical therapy, balneotherapy and sensorimotor exercises. Material and methods: The study was conducted in the participation of 40 patients attending outpatient rehabilitation at ORNR “Krzeszowice” SP ZOZ. Participants were divided into two groups (control and experimental) each one including 20 people. The average patients’ age was 52.75 (± 11.58). The patients had been medically examined before the rehabilitation process implementation and after its completion. The test was carried out using the patient’s card, Laitinen’s scale and mobility tests with a plurimeter. Rehabilitation has taken place for four weeks daily. The exercises of the patients from the experimental group were based on comprehensive manual therapy meanwhile the control group underwent a standard package of physical therapy, balneotherapy and sensorimotor exercises. Results: Two statistically significant phenomena were observed in both groups: decrease of pain in the lower spine and the range motion improvement, nevertheless, both results were significantly greater in the experimental group. Conclusions: Both therapeutic programs indicate an advantageous impact in terms of reducing pain and functioning in everyday life, but the manual therapy is much more effective.




General Medicine

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